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Бар жанарды жаулаған ЖАЙДАРМАН!

Best Professionals

Our team of highly trained doctors, with countless hours of experience, is here to give you the best medical service possible

Complete Care

General dentistry covers a wide range of procedures. The goal of general dentistry is to remove all disease from your mouth

Modern Equipment

Whatever your plan is, our state of the art equipment makes it simple for our team to make it a reality, just as you desire

Emergency Ready

Having a dental emergency can be a very traumatizing experience, that's why our medical staff is ready to help 24-7

Amazing doctors and advanced proven technology will keep your smile looking great!

We are passionate about smiles and having the latest technology is one step we can take to help save yours! Cosmetic dentistry refers to the most suitable dental treatments that based on patient’s current teeth or gums condition, concerns, desired outcomes and budget.

Complete Dental Services

for highest patient demands, tailored for each case

dental exams

You need a clinic where you can have regular check-ups, routine cleaning, precise medical diagnosis and repairment

cavity fillings

Weather is a small dot on the surface or a deep cavity, we can fix it in a session or a maximum of two visits for complicated cases

implant dentistry

We can say that implant dentistry benefits patients a great deal. We offer full service on placing all types of dental implants

root canals

When tooth decay gets too advanced, the procedure involves cleaning the inside of the roots to avoid infection and complications

tooth whitening

Our team of highly trained doctors, with countless hours of experience, is here to give you the best medical service possible

dental brackets

Our orthodontst is here to help our patients obtain the best smiles available, with modern braces and a vast experience

under sedation

Sometimes sedation is mandatory, so we can apply it to the more sensitive patients, normally small children or anxious individuals

radiology service

Our team of highly trained doctors, with countless hours of experience, is here to give you the best radiology service possible

Meet the Team

Highly trained professionals ready to provide the best treatment, be gentle and give you a pleasant experience

Alex Hayes

Oral Health Therapist

Amazing specialist in promoting health and disease prevention

Brooke Turner


She uses her skills to give beautiful smiles to our patients

Paul Thompson

Cosmetic Dentist

Our veteran dental specialist, experienced in all dentistry fields

Jane Watkins

Dental Nurse

Assisting our doctors, allowing them to show their potential

What to do in case of a dental emergency?

Sometimes, a patient can experience a situation of deep discomfort and pain, that may indicate the need of immediate medical attention. For this reason, we always have a doctor on call, ready to address these emergencies. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you feel you are in an emergency situation!

Patient Testimonials

Every time I visit Dental Studio, I get a warm cozy feeling of familiarity and friendship. I always feel safe during all my interventions here!

Mariana Lima


As a very sensitive patient, finding a secure place to get my dental work done was very important. I am glad I found Dental Studio, it's perfect!

George Phan


The combined services topped with amazing facilities and pleasant smiles all around this dental office, make the visit an absolute pleasure!

Jon Pata


The medical staff is incredibly well prepared, always on top of every challenge. They are also very nice and caring with each patient.

Kevin Muller


It has made going to the dentist an absolute pleasure. Before, I was always nervous and scared of doing it. The medical service is top notch!

Sandra Tempah


Finding a dental care physician can be challenging. I am glad I found this clinic, it combines great medical service with amazing patient care.

Marcus Blake


If you are our patient and want to give us your feedback or if you just want to say "Hi", please follow us and get in touch via the following platforms:

Latest Blog Posts

written by our wonderful doctors

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768 Park Lane Road, Pasadena, 100369 California





Start making your dream smile a reality!